Here, I list the characters I have created, and use (or don't use) to display my online identity!
OSC (Object Show Community)
Please note that I only list characters that I have thought up for object camps or just as one-offs here, meaning characters I have created for (maybe upcoming?) objects shows (and related media) will not be included here!

Free to use?: Yes. I don't "own" cups
Description: a dimwitted partygoer
Fun Fact: Despite his name, he isn't actually made out of plastic, or even paper... and he doesn't even know that he isn't plastic himself.

Free to use?: Yes. I don't "own" Nachos
Description: likes cheese dip
Fun Fact: Yes, I know that his image is broken now that I've removed it, but you can still see him in the site banner header!

Free to use?: Ask me for permission! While I'm not affiliated with Valve (the creators of Team Fortress 2, the game from which this character is obviously inspired from), he's less mundane than my other object OCs.
Description: lost his medical license
Fun Fact: mimi7 wanted to be a medic when he grew up almost solely because of the Medic from TF2. But now, I don't think I like the idea of being a surgeon.
I REALLY wouldn't like dealing with anyone's innards.